Influence Areas & Calls to Action

The time to act is now. Salmon populations are in crisis. They have little time left before they cross the quasi-extinction threshold. We have solutions. We’ve been stuck in a 40-year debate filled with many words and without results. Salmon numbers continue their downward trends. Tribal rights continue to be disregarded. Our own government agencies are breaking US Government laws. This is not political, extinction doesn’t stop at party lines. Wild salmon and orca survival hinges on our collective ability to identify and implement solutions with urgency.

This Framework page serves as a call to action for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) across various fields to join productive and collaborative discussions and contribute their expertise to reach results within a meaningful timeline, sooner than 10 years, even less than 5 years. If you’re reading these lines, you’re either a leader or stakeholder in one of these topics, and you want to have your voice in the plan to restore wild salmon populations. You’re invited. Join Us.

Energy Experts

Immediate Breaching Solutions: Share innovative renewable energy alternatives that replace hydroelectric power without harming salmon habitats.

Status Quo Insights: Provide insights on maintaining energy reliability while minimizing environmental impact.

Transportation Experts

Immediate Breaching Solutions: Help us explore alternative transportation networks that reduce reliance on river dams.

Status Quo Insights: Offer perspectives on the cost-effectiveness and infrastructure requirements of current waterway transportation.

Irrigation Specialists

Immediate Breaching Solutions: Contribute water-efficient technologies and practices that support agriculture without depleting salmon streams.

Status Quo Insights: Discuss the economic implications of current irrigation methods on local farming communities.

Tribal Leaders

Immediate Breaching Solutions: Advocate for the restoration of ancestral lands and joint management of natural resources.

Status Quo Insights: Address the complexities of legal agreements and economic impacts on tribal communities.

Climate Scientists

Immediate Breaching Solutions: Guide us in implementing adaptive management strategies to combat climate change effects on salmon habitats.

Status Quo Insights: Analyze the role of dams in providing climate resilience through flood control and drought mitigation.

Orca Scientists & Experts

Immediate Breaching Solutions: Highlight the importance of increasing prey availability for orcas through salmon restoration.

Status Quo Insights: Evaluate current conservation programs and their effectiveness in protecting orcas.

Breaching Authority Experts

Immediate Breaching Solutions: Push for legislative support and public-private partnerships to facilitate dam removal and ecosystem restoration.

Status Quo Insights: Navigate the regulatory and stakeholder challenges associated with dam removal decisions.

Marine Biologists & Anglers

IImmediate Breaching Solutions: Provide insights on habitat connectivity and fish passage improvements to support wild salmon recovery.

Status Quo Insights: Discuss the balance between controlled salmon populations and biodiversity management.

Local Business Owners and Leaders

Immediate Breaching Solutions: Propose economic diversification strategies that benefit communities while supporting salmon recovery.

Status Quo Insights: Examine the economic stability provided by dam-related activities and the potential for sustainable development.